Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Commercial! :)

My Niece did SUCH a cute job! AND I LOVE IT!!
Thank you Jay I hope you get an A++ to infinity for this!

Without further ado...Here is the cute little Lost in the Woods Studio commercial by Jay!



Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Commercial?! HOW COOL!!!!

My niece came to me the other day and asked me if I needed a commercial for my clay works, because she had an assignment in her Video Productions class.

I never thought about how cool that would be...So of course I immediately said: YES!

I wanted to share with everyone some still shots from our scene set-ups.

In the next few days, after she is done with her editing I will be posting her AWESOME video here to share with everyone!

    My niece, Jay has a natural knack for video production (she is only 17!). She has a SUPER keen eye and excellent timing...AND LOVES to have fun the entire time!
As we set up each scene we kept throwing ideas back and forth to one another and it was a...

The theme is essentially the beach and ocean with that one of a kind "Lost in the Woods Studio" quirkiness to it...Unique...Silly...Sometimes serious.....BUT ALWAYS FUN!!!

Enjoy the stills...The commercial will follow in the next few days :)



Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from all of here in the studio...WOW!  Is it Easter already?!
It sure has been awhile since we posted, but there is SO much happening with our Lost in the Woods Studio that we have just lost track of time!

Hmmm, an Easter Turtle? What would make us think the two would go together? Well although they are completely two different BEAUTIFUL creatures (the rabbit and the turtle)....
What they have in common is....EGGS!!! (Hehehe...Well, sort of) :)

We have been SUPER busy creating wonderful little baby turtle hatchlings adorned with special colors and decked out in jewels! These little critters are AWESOME! (and our little sculptures we hope you will find just as AWESOME as well)! :)

We would also like to announce that our studio is almost mobile! And when we say mobile we mean 
The studio is loading up into our new motorhome so we can travel around and bring our work to the people!  Maybe teach an occasional class and share with others who share a similar passion for polymer clay!

That's just CRAZY! 

Yes, it is.... But also FUN! A traveling sculpture studio...SWEET! We think its the best idea EVER!
We will also be offering our watercolor works in the VERY near future!

We are still a part of ETSY and we invite you to come visit our shop!

As soon as we get all nestled into the "Lost in the Woods Studio RV," we will be adding spectacular new items to the shop! We will keep you updated!